Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: July 09, 2012
Area: Frisco Texas
Companion: Alex Christman Florence Kentucky/Dallas Tx

Hello Everyone,
The Lord has been so good to Elder Christman and I this week. While knocking doors during the day this past Thursday, we came across a hispanic man that was going through a hard time. He let us in after a few minutes of talking with him on the doorstep. We sat down, and he proceeded to tell us of a few struggles he has been having in his life. The guilt and burdens of his mistakes became overwhelming to him and tears began to fall down his cheeks. An open can of beer sat at his side, and his family had left him. He was looking for anything to help him overcome the spiritual pain he felt. In times past while visiting people in a drunken state, the Spirit has prompted us to excuse ourselves. For some reason, both Elder Christman and I felt a rush of the Spirit and we knew we needed to sit and listen to Luis. He would ask, "Tell me what it is that I need to do." We bore testimony of the Atonement and gave him a Book of Mormon to read. He used bad language so we asked him to not curse, and we asked him to not finish his beer. He had been watching movies about Christ just before we had knocked on his door, so he shared his desire to learn more about the Savior and His atonement for us. We have not been able to contact him since that day, but we are hopeful he is taking the time to strengthen his relationship with Heavenly Father. I know the Lord needed us to visit Luis, so I hope he will be open to future visits.
Saturday evening was quite the test for Elder Christman and I. We were both tired and ready for a break from the heat. Those times of fatigue make it hard to push forward and continue working. At about 8:15 that evening we received a text message from Lisa. (Quick recap - Our first day in the area, Elder Christman and I ate dinner with the first counselor in the bishopric, he talked about a less active man named David that he had met a month or so earlier. There had not been any follow up, so he suggested us to knock his street and stop by if we didn't have anything to do. With that being our first day, we didn't, so we made our way to his street and began to knock. We were able to talk with David that night and set up a time to come by later and get to know him. The next day we were able to visit with David and Lisa, who is his non-member girlfriend. Lisa had requested to learn more about the church a while ago, but nobody had visited her. We helped her understand our purpose and set up another time to meet with her. Later the next week, we sat down with her and answered a few of her questions and taught her the first lesson. We invited her to be baptized, and she accepted. She loved the church already and knew she wanted to become a part of it and help her kids into the church as well. Unfortunately, she lived outside of our ward and into another stake which is not in our mission. Contact was made to the missionaries there to teach her, so we have anxiously waited for an update on her progress). The message said, "I wanted to let you both know Jackson, Kennedi and I will be getting baptized on July 28th at 4:00 pm. I wanted to invite you guys... I prayed about this and I feel like God used you guys to reach me first the Elders in Denton to reach my family... Also, David is going back to church and will be baptizing my 7 year old next summer... God really sent you to bless us!" Elder Christman and I were so excited. We called her soon after and rejoiced in the moment together. It was so special. It is amazing how the Lord directs this work and how the blessing of making correct choices can influence us for good. We won't be able to attend her baptism because it is outside of the mission, but we are so excited to know it will be happening.
We were able to meet as a zone and have interviews with President Durrant. I love that man. We were also privileged to be trained by Sister Durrant on strengthening our faith. It was exactly what I needed. I love her as well. Later that day I was able to work with one of my zone leaders, Elder Weatherford. I had not been able to work with him one on one when I was an assistant, so it was great to spend time with him. He is a great teacher and loves the people he serves. We taught two great lessons together and help those present prepare for baptismal dates.
I am so thankful for the direction of the Spirit. We have come across several families who have investigated the church in the past. Some we have planned to visit, and others have been while knocking doors. It is amazing what the Lord has allowed Elder Christman and I to do in the last few weeks. Two families have accepted to take the lessons again, so we are excited to see what will happen with them.
I love this gospel. This work is divine. Angels are round about us and preparing the hearts of people in Frisco. I am so thankful to be a missionary and serve in the Texas Dallas Mission. I thank the Lord each day for the time I have to serve and I look forward the work that will take place this week. Thank you for your continued prayers and letter of encouragement. I love you all.
Elder Seager
I am grateful for Jordan sharing ways I can have more fun while working. We had a priest age young man with us one evening, so we planned to stop by a few people we are trying to teach. This was the first time the priest had been with missionaries, so we tried to make it a good experience. He was nervous to visit the first house because he was classmates with one of the boys, but with a prayer he was a bit more calm about it. To our dismay and his delight, the person wasn't home, so we continued with our plans. We had him knock the doors of the people we were trying to visit to help him be a part of the work. Nobody answered so we moved on. I took advantage of knocking the next door because the sprinklers were running and the door was getting wet. I tried to shield myself next to the wall while my not so fortunate companions got wet. The people did answer, so it left more time for them to get wet. We were asked to not come back again, so with one rejection, we hurried back to dry ground. I walked behind my companions and laughed and laughed and laughed at the sight of their wet clothes. It had been a long time since I had laughed that hard. It changed my mood and helped me to move forward in the week. Thanks Jordan!