Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: July 03, 2012
Area: Frisco Texas
Companion: Alex Christman Florence Kentucky/Dallas Tx

Hello Everyone,
It has been another busy week full of miracles. We are still trying to find people to teach, but we have had a lot of great conversations with people. The classic phrase in Texas for people looking for a church is "church shopping." There were quite a few people that are "church shopping" that have shown some interest in the church.
Elder Christman and I to attended a meeting for new missionaries this week and talk about the progression that had been made in the first week. It was great to receive revelation on how to best help Elder Christman and help our area be successful. The next day I was able to attend Zone Leader Council which was amazing. I am so thankful to work with some of the best missionaries in the world.
We were able to meet with Lisa this week and answer her questions about the church. The spirit was quite strong the entire lesson and it lead to a conversation about her being baptized. She wants it for herself and for her three children. She doesn't live in our area, so we passed her off to missionaries in the Denton Texas Stake, but we were excited to have found Lisa and have helped her through the beginning stages of her investigation of the church. Her boyfriend is a less active member in our ward, so it will be great to hear about the progression she will continue to make.
On Saturday we had a priest age young man working with us. He loves to do missionary work and will jump on any opportunity he can to work with missionaries. After stopping by a few people, we asked if he would like to knock doors with us. He eagerly said yes, so we went to work. After about an hour or so of knocking, we told him that the next door was his. We prepared him with what to say and assured him that we would be there to take over if he got stuck. With a big leap of faith, he walked up to a door, knocked, and waited nervously. A young man the same age opened the door. He nervously and quickly explained who we were and then instantly turned back to us to take over. It was hard not to laugh in that moment, but Elder Christman and I took over and asked if we could come inside to share a message with him. The young man accepted. We were able to teach the restoration and answer a few questions about how we can find ourselves through a relationship with our Heavenly Father. We each were able to bear testimony of the restoration and teach him about the pattern of prayer we should follow. We extended an invitation for him to pray specifically if Joseph Smith had seen Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and if the Book of Mormon was true. The young man bowed his head and began to pray. At the end of the prayer, we asked how he felt. He explained a warm feeling came to his heart. We bore testimony that Heavenly Father was communicating with him and that his prayer was answered. My testimony of the Lord knowing his sheep and providing them with miracles grew that day. It was coincidental to me that the first door the priest knocked turned into a teaching experience. The young man was not able to come to church, and he will be leaving at the end of this week to spend a month with his grandparents, but he accepted a challenge to read the entire Book of Mormon while he is gone. We will visit with him one more time before he leaves, so it will be great to send him off on a spiritual note.
I love this church. I am so thankful for the blessing it is to partake of the sacrament. There are so many things we can do to help others make sacred covenants with God and help them experience the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ. If we struggle with our testimonies, we can always make choices to change our behavior and then look for the feelings that come to us as we live our lives. We will never be let down. Our perfect Father in Heaven is always in our lives, but we must open our eyes and recognize where his influence is. I love you all and am so grateful for you sharing your testimonies with me. It has strengthened mine to where it is at today.
With love,
Elder Seager