Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: June 26, 2012
Area: Frisco Texas
Companion: Alex Christman Florence Kentucky/Dallas Tx

Hello Everyone,
What a week it has been. I was not able to write a general e-mail last week, but I am sure many of you know already that I have been transferred back into the field for my last few months. I was double transferred into an area as a district leader and trainer. My companions name is Elder Alex Christman. He is from Florence, Kentucky. He is serving a short term mission for three months before he will receive his call. He has lived in Dallas for the last 7 months with his brother to prepare for his mission and came straight to the mission office. He is 22 years old and was baptized just over 4 years ago. He has a great story and has overcome quite a few trials to get where he is at today. The experiences he has had in life have made him a great missionary. He already knows how to work with people and can carry a conversation with anyone. What I have to help him with is learning how to teach from Preach My Gospel. It has been a week of miracles. It was a bit of a challenge getting to the new apartment and not really having any direction on where to go or what to do. After cleaning a few things up and planning out an evening, we went out to work. I was told we had dinner with a member from the missionaries that were transferred out (one went home, and the other replaced me as an assistant) so we contacted the member and made plans to eat. That member is the first counselor in the bishopric and gave us a few referrals for us to work with during the week. A huge burden was lifted off of my shoulders, and I was excited to have something to work with. We knocked doors the remainder of the evening and then stopped by one of the names we had been given. The man we visited is less active and has a non-member girlfriend that is interested in the gospel. We set an appointment to come the next day, and had a great visit. The Lord is so mindful of where missionaries need to be and directs this work by the Spirit. There have been few weeks in my mission where everything seemed to be positive. Other than knocking doors, each person we visited was home and greeted us with open arms. Our plans were truly inspired, and we were put in the right places at the right time. On several occasion we were going to visit someone we had seen on the progress record, and as they were walking outside to leave, we were walking up and able to introduce ourselves. We planned to knock doors on a specific street during the day, and it happened to be more humble home where we taught two lessons. A family to be taught by the spanish missionaries resulted from those efforts. Another evening, we ate dinner with a family and then chose to knock doors a few streets away. I felt to knock a particular street, so we parked and then began our work. One woman opened the door and expressed her negative feelings towards organized religion. I felt impressed to share that we have a lay ministry. She was so impressed with that, and it opened to a long discussion and an interest in attending the church. A few doors later, a woman opened up with a cheery attitude. She expressed missionaries had knocked on her door three weeks ago and left her a pamphlet. The missionaries did not come back and she was interested in learning more. We set a return appointment for Tuesday at 7:00. If this wasn't the work of the Lord I would think it to be a coincidence, but I know the Lord directed us to the individuals we met that night. Saturday morning, we stopped by a part member family in our apartment complex. While walking back to our apartment for lunch, we noticed a moving truck had just pulled up, so we offered to help unload. They accepted our help, so as we were unloading we were able to get to know their family and friends that we helping and develop a great relationship with them. After about 45 minutes of moving boxes, it was all in the apartment. They thanked us for our help and invited us to stay for lunch. While they prepared lunch, we went home to shower and change clothes. Upon our return, we sat down and began to eat. The family is active in their faith and have served many mission trips for their church. It lead for a great opportunity to help them understand what we do, and then the conversation flowed to us teaching the first lesson. As we shared the role of prophets throughout the beginning of time, they understood the importance of having clear doctrine communicated to man in these days. We shared the story of Joseph Smith and recited by memory the first vision. The Spirit illuminated the room and the emotions everyone felt were sacred. I am so thankful for the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know the Lord guides His servants to those who are in need of the fullness of the gospel. We later gave them a copy of the Book of Mormon (with Grandma and Grandpa's testimony), a Family Proclamation, and restoration pamphlet. I don't know if we will harvest this family, but I know we needed to visit them. It was a powerful example to me of an unplanned service opportunity that lead to an opportunity to teach. The night before, I was telling Elder Christman about the success I have had with sharing the gospel with my neighbors in various apartments I have lived in. We set a goal to be as friendly as possible with our neighbors. I felt so blessed to have had an opportunity our first week to teach one our neighbors. I could go on and on about the miracles we saw this week. With each missionary I have trained, we have prayed specifically to apply what we learned in companionship study for them to have a real life practice in teaching. Elder Christman and I have done this, and the Lord has blessed with those opportunities just as he did in times past. Our Sunday meeting were great. We were able to share our testimonies in both sacrament meetings. It was a great opportunity to introduce ourselves and develop trust with the ward. The Lord is so good to me. I love being a missionary. I feel as urgent as ever to do the work of the Lord. I thought my days as an assistant were exhausting, but now with more time to work hard it my area, I come home even more exhausted. I am so thankful for all of your prayers. I know they helped me get through this week. It was challenging, but with the Lord it was miraculous. I love you all.
Elder Seager