Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: May 27, 2012
Area: Dallas Texas
Companion: Elder Riley Layton from Glendale AZ

Hello Everyone,
For the last couple of weeks, I have thought long and hard about the Savior's words in John 10:27; "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." Throughout each day, we are striving to find the Lord's sheep that will hear His voice. We look east and west, north and south. We go where the people are and try to talk with everyone. We also pray specifically these sheep will find us. I met with an investigator last night who is preparing to be baptized next weekend. She was invited to attend church by one of her friends. She recognized the Lord's voice throughout the service and was willing to follow her heart. As the missionaries have taught her, she has accepted each principle and commandment without any hesitation. Her faith and determination to serve and follow God is a great example to me. Jesus Christ will use us as instruments as we make ourselves available. As much as He knows who we are, He knows where we are. He will guide us to those who are ready and willing to accept the gospel. After finishing lunch with a companionship in the mission, we made our way to the mission office to get a few things done. We noticed two spanish missionaries riding their bikes on a busy road, so we turned around to offer them a ride. They gladly accepted, so we loaded their bikes in the car and drove to a nearby location. After unloading their bikes, we began to drive away and noticed a woman approaching the two spanish missionaries. A few minutes later, I received a text message explaining the woman was a member that had just moved into the area and needed the information about the church. It was a miracle to think about all of the events that had taken place prior to that contact. The Lord truly does know His sheep and will place us in the path of those He knows we can help. In Alma 16:16, Alma and Amulek are with a group of missionaries that are establishing the church among the Nephites. It reads, "the Lord did pour out his Spirit on all the face of the land to prepare the minds of the children of me, or to prepare their hears to receive the word which should be taught..." I know that continues today. There are so many people prepared to receive the gospel. The church is becoming more and more known for good throughout the world. We live in a great time to share the gospel. I love this work and I am so grateful I am accomplishing what the Lord has prepared for me.
We are teaching a great girl named Jennifer. She was invited to attend church by one of her friends. After talking with her, she agreed to meet with us. We have now taught her the Restoration, Gospel of Jesus Christ (on the temple grounds, it was amazing), and the Plan of Salvation. She is going to be baptized June 9th, and is well prepared for that day. We are so excited to see her progress. She is becoming converted to the Gospel each day and knows the spiritual feeling she has at the church comes from God.
Last week was full of meetings, teaching appointments, finding activities, and many other wonderful experiences. Two missionaries waiting for visas finally received them, so it was fun going through consulate with them. We were able to meet with all of the new missionaries and their trainers and discuss how their first weeks have been. Their enthusiasm to share the gospel is great. Elder Monkres flew home this week, so it was sad to see him go. I am so thankful for the service he provided and I look forward to seeing him in a few months.
I am so thankful to each of you for your letters of encouragement, and prayers for support. I feel the love each of you have for me. There is much work to be done in the Texas Dallas Mission. I am grateful to have a part in it, and work with many great missionaries. This is the work of the Lord. No doubt in my mind. I look forward to the coming week for the miracles that will occur.
I love you all,
Elder Seager
One Last Experience: Every so often when you are knocking doors, you will come across a person who opens the door with a combative attitude and is obviously looking for a fight. Yesterday, a man in his late 20's opened his door and quickly let us in. I looked at the missionary I was working with and said, "We will see how this goes." With nerves and uncomfortable feelings, we sat down and began to teach. My focus turned from teaching the man and his wife, to my own comforts. I quickly forgot the teaching skills I have developed throughout my mission, and found myself jumping all over the place with the Restoration. Luckily, their attitudes changed, and their understanding of our beliefs led to an interest in our message. They asked a lot of questions and asked for missionaries to come back to their home. With a big sigh of relief, we left their home and had a good laugh about the intense emotions and confusing message we had just taught.