Monday, September 10, 2012


te: May 20, 2012
Area: Dallas Texas
Companion: Elder Riley Layton from Glendale AZ

Hello Everyone,
I cannot believe how fast time continues to go by. I am so grateful to be a representative of Jesus Christ and share the gospel with others. Many tender mercies occur each day in my life, but few times have I had a night full of miracles that happen one right after the other. This last Tuesday night became one of the most memorable nights of my mission.
After eating dinner with great members, Elder Layton and I chose to knock on doors for about an hour and then contact a few families on our ward list we did not know. After knocking a few doors, we came to a woman's home that was not interested in hearing our message. She did however engage a conversation with us about the church and family history. This topic led into a 20 or 30 minute conversation about her involvement with family history and thrills of working with church members for her own family. She expressed her love for Salt Lake City and the services provided there. She also expressed her desire to accomplish her goal of indexing 5,000 name off of the 1940 census (she had already completed 3,000). Her greatest accomplishment however, had been completed a few days earlier. She spent about 20 years gathering information and stories about her family that dated back to the 1600's. This family history work had been bound in a nice book, so she took us out to her car to share it with us. We were impressed by her work and complimented her efforts. Her heart was overwhelmed with joy and allowed us into her home to meet her husband as Elder Layton took care of some business. Their willingness to listen to our message didn't change, but we are confident we made an impact on that couple. Often times after contacting older individuals I will say, "They will accept the gospel in the spirit world!" After leaving their home, I truly felt this couple will accept the gospel in the spirit world. Those who are ready now will make steps towards having the blessings of the gospel in their mortal existence, but for others, they need positive experiences with members of the church so they can accept it at a later time. I am thankful to have met the Sherwood's. We continued down the street and stopped a man riding his bike with his son. I instantly felt a connection with this man and felt comfortable in sharing our purpose of knocking doors and contacting people. He openly shared his beliefs about religion and thanked us for the work we were doing. After talking a bit more, we left him with a pass-along card and walked back to our car. I felt we needed to talk to that man and leave him with a positive experience with the church for some future event. We then drove to an apartment complex to visit an inactive member. After taking some time to find visitor's parking we began to walk to a gate we hoped would be open. A man was walking on the side walk, so we gave him a card and invited him to visit About ten seconds after walking in the opposite direction, he turned around and shouted, "I hope Romney wins." With Mitt Romney as the republican candidate for the presidency, many doors have been opened for missionaries to explain more about our beliefs. It was a funny experience. The gate was closed, so we started to walk back to the car, just as a car pulled through another one giving us the perfect timing to enter into the complex. We knocked on the door we were trying to find, but nobody was home. We said hello to a woman walking by and began to walk her way to talk with her. She knew who we were and was less than amused to talk to us. She continued on her way and surprisingly turned around to praise the missionary program of the church. She shared a bit about her occupation and expressed she has recruited quite a few returned missionaries to help in her business. Each of the returned missionaries have left a great impact on her and has softened her heart towards the church. We exited the gate we had tried to enter in and walked back on the sidewalk to our car. As we walked to the nearby parking lot, a woman passed us, turned in the parking lot, parked, and got out of the car to get her kids just as we were walking by. We stopped to talk to her and found out she was from Brazil and had in-laws that were members. We asked if we could come back and teach her family. She willingly accepted, so we hope to start teaching a family in the near future. We drove to another inactive members home to visit with them, but they were not home, so we walked back to the car. A less active man happened to drive by and pull over to talk to us. He shared a few of the struggles he has been having and expressed his desire to come back to church. He wants to meet with us to help him come back to church. We were amazed at how many good conversations we had had that day. We drove to another member's home to visit with them but were surprised to meet the new occupants of the home. We asked the woman if she would like to learn more about our church, so without hesitation she invited us to sit on her porch and share a lesson with us. We began with a prayer and taught the message of the restoration. She agreed with all that we said and expressed her interest in attending church. We set up another time to to meet with her and started on our way off the porch. Her husband rolled up on his bike. These moments either lead to good or bad experiences. He was friendly and learned about who we were from his wife and told him they were coming to church on Sunday. He was excited and looked forward to future visits.
I was so thankful the Lord had placed so many people in our path that evening. My heart was full of joy. It is hard to convey all of the events that happened in a relatively short amount of time, but one miracle after another kept happening. I am so thankful to have been blessed with that night. It was humbling to know the Lord is in control and knows where we need to be in order to impact the lives of others.
Two more zone conferences happened this last week. They both went well. I was also able to spend some time with Elder Monkres in the hospital the evenings and nights from Thursday to Saturday. He has had a few health challenges with his digestion, so a few tests were done to figure out what is wrong with him. They couldn't find anything, so please keep him in your prayers. There will be a few follow up appointments in the coming weeks, so we hope to find what is wrong with him. That is another story for another day.
I love this work. I know God lives, and He loves us. We live in such a great time to share the gospel with others. My hope is that we are all prepared to answer the questions others have and invite them to learn more about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your letters and prayers. They strenghten me and motivate me to work hard and accomplish what the Lord has prepared for me.
With love,
Elder Seager