Monday, September 10, 2012


te: March 31, 2012
Area: Dallas Texas (Richardson)
Companion: Elder Jordan Jones from Kanab UT

Hello Everyone,
I don't have much time to write this week with conference happening in just a bit over an hour. I am so excited to listen to our Prophet's and Apostle's voices. The messages they will share come through divine inspiration from our Father in Heaven. They will help us learn and understand what we must do to become better disciples of Jesus Christ. I am so thankful to live in the latter days, and have experiences like these. My joy is full as we gather together as children of God.
Transfers are now over. It went as smooth as it possibly could have gone. I am thankful to have had the experience to see twelve new missionaries come to the Texas Dallas Mission. There is always a feeling of enthusiasm as we help them adjust to what their life will be like for the next two years. Immediately after we saw them off, we were able learn from five missionaries going home. Four of the five were people I have served around. Elder Westfall was in that group, so it was sad to see him go. Each of those missionaries served well and fulfilled their purpose in powerful ways. I was able to listen to each of them bear testimony of their experiences. I learn so much about what I can do with the remaining time I have as they shared thoughts about their mission. I love being a missionary and am so grateful for the experiences I have.
I love you all and hope you enjoy this special Conference weekend.
Elder Seager