Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: March 24, 2012
Area: Dallas Texas (Richardson)
Companion: Elder Jordan Jones from Kanab UT

Hello Everyone,
This last week was great. there have been quite a few things that have gone on that have kept me quite busy. Transfers will be coming up this next Tuesday, so there has been quite a bit of work to prepare for it all. I am so thankful to have the experiences I do with missionary work. There is no greater feeling than to have joy from the work I get to do. The Lord is so mindful of the people in the Texas Dallas Mission. The revelation I am able to receive daily strengthens my testimony so much that God lives and this church is Christ's. It is hard to deny the truthfulness of the gospel when I feel the Lord's hand pushing me to the right direction. There has not been a lot of time to work in my area this week, so I prayed specifically for referrals to come our way. My prayers were answered. There was someone that walked into the CES office that is located in the building we attend. The person working there was able to talk to them and found out they had just moved into a nearby neighborhood and wanted to start coming to church. We are still trying to make contact with them, but I have high hopes we will be able to teach them. The financial secretary that works in the mission office was making a few transactions at the bank and was approached by a man that saw he was from the church. The man expressed his desire to learn about the church and attend a service. He just so happened to live in Richardson. We cover a good majority of the city of Richardson, so the odds are in our favor that he lives within our ward boundaries. We still have not made contact with him, but hope to soon. We received a media referral for a family from the Fort Worth Mission. We spent some time in the evening to stop by their home to contact them. Just as we parked to get out of the car, another car pulled up in front of the house. As we approached a woman getting out on the passenger side, she expressed her excitement to see us, and wanted us to come back later next week. We found out she had taken the lessons a few years ago, but now is wanting to learn more and come to church. Another miraculous occurrence, we don't get to knock doors very much in our area, but on Tuesday, I had time early in the afternoon to work with a new zone leader, and bring him back to my area. We drove through a neighborhood, and I felt prompted to knock a particular street. About half way down the first side of the street, a woman opened the door and explained she had lived in Salt Lake. Her family joined the church, but she had not. She gave us an open invitation to come by whenever we would like, and would sit down with us and let us share a message. We are planning on stopping by this next week. We were able to walk the Dallas Temple grounds yesterday with an investigator and his member fiance. The Spirit was with each of us as we shared stories and experiences about the joys and blessings of the temple. I am so thankful to have had that experience. My prayers were answered, and the Lord blessed us with people to teach despite our inability to work full time in our area.
These are just some examples of the work going on in my area. I could share a novel about my thoughts about President and Sister Durrant and their family. I love being able to work closer with them and help carry out the work of the mission. My joy is as full as it has ever been in my life, and it is only going to get better.
We were blessed to be a part of Stephanie's baptism and confirmation last weekend. The Sotomayor family is becoming much more happy as the days and weeks go by. They are each progressing quite well, and finding ways to become more active in the church.
General Conference is coming up this next week. I look forward to being gathered with all of you to listen to our Prophet's voice. The messages our Father in Heaven wants us to hear during this last dispensation will be conveyed through President Thomas S. Monson. I love that man. His counselors and the quorum of the 12 apostles are also inspired men that will relay messages in behalf of our Father. We are greatly blessed to have the knowledge of who the Lord's appointed servants are.
Thank you for your continued love and support. I love you all.
Elder Seager
Happy Birthday to Shali and Jordan