Monday, September 10, 2012


Date: August 27, 2012
Area: Frisco Texas
Companion: Elder Michael Louder

Hello Everyone,
This has been a week of highs and lows. I am so thankful for the trials we receive. The attitudes we have change the outcomes dramatically.
We were able to meet with a great part member family we have grown to love over the last few weeks. There have been a few schedule conflicts that have pushed our appointments back, but we were finally able to meet with them this week. Our focus was to build a friendship with this couple first so they know we love them and want to help their testimonies and faith grow. We watched a video with them and then talked about the importance of developing our personal relationship with God and having the strength to face adversity head on. I felt much more connected and open to the promptings of the spirit in our visits and rejoiced in the friendship that has developed.
On Thursday we were able to attend a meeting in Dallas with President and Sister Durrant, and their son who recently returned home from Paraguay. Their son shared his mission with us and applied a few things they had focused on to our mission. I was so thankful to have been with the missionaries here and recognize what we can all do to be better teachers of the gospel. Hearing their son talk about his mission made me think more about mine and if I what experiences I would share in a setting like that. The Lord has been so great to me, and I am so thankful for the service he has allowed me to be a part of.
Saturday was a challenging day for Elder Louder and I. We had set some great plans for the day and focused on finding new investigators. As we were out and about the whole day we talked to people who just wanted to argue and bash with us. We are always running into people to don't care to listen to our message, but very rarely are people aggressive about why they think we are wrong. I will do anything to get out of those situations, so I always tell people right up front if they are wanting to argue then we will walk away. A few people like that came to the door, and each time the Spirit would leave. It was nothing we would do, but we had to fight to get the Spirit back and think positive. We were blessed I feel for our positive attitudes because we did find a few people who were interested in learning more. Towards the end of our night, we were in an apartment complex to visit an inactive member. The door we knocked on was probably not who we were looking for because the woman rudely expressed her interest was not in our beliefs. A bit flustered, we walked down the stairs to meet a woman out walking her dogs. She quickly asked if we lived in the complex. We said no but that we were trying to contact a member of our church. She was sure to let us know the laws about trespassing and dialed for security on her phone. She then shouted for us to get in our car and leave right then. We remained calm and politely said we would. "God bless," came our reply after she said a few more choice words. She said "whatever," and then stormed off toward her apartment. While getting in the car we could hear her conversation with security, and we became a bit more irritated about the confrontation. The Spirit once again that day left. It was 8:30, so we thought we could easily finish our day and go home. I knew if we were to go home she would have won and we would have allowed a negative experience affect our day. With a bit of will power I pulled into a neighborhood near our home to end with a positive experience. The second door we knocked was a person who knew members of the church and asked for us to come back the next day. I felt whole again and knew the Lord was well pleased with our decision to press forward despite the adverse encounter we had just experienced.
Others we talked to that day had watched a program on NBC about the church and had questions. Comments were made such as, "I now understand that Mormon's are Christians and they share a lot of the same views as most Protestant faiths." We had no clue this program was on until we asked a member if there was something on the news about the church. We hear that some things were borderline accurate and had a few offensive comments or images, but for non-members to make comments like we received, it left a positive impression.
On Friday night, we knocked on a door and a man opened up and said in a cheerful way, "We are watching a show right now about you missionaries." The timing was perfect I guess, so we asked if he would like a face to face message about the church rather than a television program. He declined, but it made us laugh a bit about the positive quick whited comments we had made to go along with the program. We live in a great time to share the gospel. Missionary work has become even more exciting with the added exposure to who we are and what we believe.
I love this church. I am so thankful the Priesthood has been restored. We are so fortunate to be able to make covenants and partake of the sacrament each week. I don't know where I would be without staying true to the covenants I have made and repenting for the mistakes I have made. The ATonement (I loved how Elder Morga wrote that in is e-mail) is real and the mercy of Christ is available to those who humble themselves. Thank you for your love and prayers. They strengthen me to move forward and finish as a focused servant of the Lord. I love you all.
With love,
Elder Seager